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about andie

My Philosophy:

As an advocate for cultivating a sustainable food system, I implement sustainable practices in my daily life to ensure earth's resources are available for future generations (for ideas, check out my tips & tricks). Personally, sustainability expands beyond conserving the environment. As a society we are responsible for creating a just food system that fairly & adequately supports the individuals who work in our food system. Through buying local, seasonal, organic & fair trade certified goods, we can re-establish a food system that replenishes our ecosystem & recognizes our laborers. Leading a sustainable lifestyle requires determination, passion for the global community and total awareness of one’s surroundings.  Overall, sustainability is concerned with longevity and making choices that have a low impact for the future, while also being able to live comfortably and healthily in our current situation. 

Education & Future:

Earning a degree in Sustainable Food Systems Management from West Chester University of Pennsylvania, my goal is to work in Supply Chain Management for a company whose mission is to reduce food waste and food insecurity.


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