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delicious, vegetarian & earth-centered meals

alternative eats attempts to accomplish educating the average consumer how to make better food choices that improve their health and the environment. This e-cookbook includes nutrition information and the carbon footprint of each recipe. To expand consumer knowledge about the environmental and personal health benefits of consuming local, organic and seasonal food, alternative eats includes 14 recipes using only 10 seasonal ingredients based on spring in PA (recipes may use ingredients commonly found in your pantry, check out the list below). Each recipe spans eight cultures to underline the importance of eating a diverse diet. The "Kick it Up" section includes recipes that transform commonly wasted items such as vegetable scraps/peelings, aging apples, and aquafaba (the liquid from canned chickpeas) into delicious foods, so as you cook remember to save these ingredients!

shopping list

  1. lentils

  2. barley

  3. chickpeas

  4. spinach

  5. onion and/or shallot

6. tri-colored potatoes

7. asparagus

8. mushrooms

9. tomatoes

10. apples

pantry items

  1. non-dairy milk (preferably oat milk)

  2. olive oil

  3. vegetable broth (preferably organic)

  4. salt & pepper

  5. flour & sugar

  6. various herbs & spices

  7. a lemon (or lemon juice)

*All ingredients used in the recipes were either organic, local, or fair trade. I recommend you shop the same to improve your personal and environmental health. Want to know why? Find out more here.*

a guide to spring

click below for spring vegetables available in PA

cooking 101

cooking 101

cooking 101

meal planning
meal planning

Hectic schedule? Tired of eating take-out? Check out this meal planning guide to make cooking a breeze!


Tired of wasting your money & food? Need to make a quick meal? Use this freezing guide to make life easier! 

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